An Interview with Joe Uehlein
Author: Pace Schwarz
Green Dreams on Black Gold
Because the land must be defended / Or there will not be place for the revolution.-Internationalist Commune of Rojava Despite the threat of Syrian war crimes, Turkish ethnic cleansing, and the militant fanaticism of the Islamic State, the autonomous polyethnic community of Rojava makes environmentalism—alongside women’s liberation and direct democracy—central to its revolution in Northeast…
Toxic Car Culture in the Electric Age
Electric Cars have been the cornerstone of American science fiction and scientific fact for the last several decades, utterly inseparable from most visions of a cleaner, more sustainable future. This inclusion bears scrutiny. Transitioning to electric vehicles (EVs) would undeniably reduce the use of fossil fuels, their pollution, and the dangerous petropolitics they encourage. But…
Memo: Cobalt Mining Regulation in DRC
Executive Summary Cobalt, mined primarily in the Democratic Republic of the Congo (DRC), is critical for developing green technologies. Small and large-scale cobalt mining involves child labor, dangerous working conditions, environmental degradation, and human rights abuses. Current attempts to regulate DRC cobalt mining are inadequate. The UN should regulate cobalt mining under frameworks similar to…